Poésie Ados
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Poésie Ados

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 you didn't call me yet

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 45
Age : 33
Localisation : sorel-tracy
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2006

you didn't call me yet Empty
MessageSujet: you didn't call me yet   you didn't call me yet Icon_minitimeSam 25 Nov - 15:14

I'm thinking about you again
but my thoughts are all the same
I feel like I'm still loving you
even though you're don't

'cause you never love me
I've tried to forget you, honestly
you never love me
forgive me if I'm still thinking about you
I must forbid you from my memory
and even though you're sexy ( for me )
I won't let you haunt me forever

I've been waiting for your phone call
reading, watching the tv
call somebody else when I was desperate
finally put my shoes on for a walk
then another
then went to the library
went shopping, buy a new cd
when I get home, listen to the music until I had a headhick
and go sleeping, thinking that you're a fucking jerk

you don't love me and I can deal with it
but maybe I could feel a little bit better if you call me to tell me that you don't love me
you know how it is to wait for an answer
so why do you have to make me feel the same way as you once were?

I don't ask you the why of the no
even if I wanna know
don't panic if now i'll be sarcastic
you worth it....

( pour tous ceux et celles qui n'ont jamais eu de réponses...)
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