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 the maid of the death

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 45
Age : 34
Localisation : sorel-tracy
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2006

the maid of the death Empty
MessageSujet: the maid of the death   the maid of the death Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Nov - 15:04

come in, have a seat
make yourself at home
can I get you a cup of tea?
or maybe some poison
I'm the thief of your past
the hunter of your life
I'm everywhere you are
but tonight, I'm in front of you
tonight I'm...

I'm the maid of the death
the fear in your chest
you'll stop living soon
without any wounds
sweet little drops of poison
crawl over your body
ohh! what a turn on
killing makes me so happy
I'm the maid of the death

sit down, take a rest
eat as many as you want
mmm! it's so fresh
you'll have every women you want
( is that a lie? )
it's a promise on my honor
( ya, sure about that )
oups! I forgot, I have no honor
so have a good time and enjoy the trip
hey! boy give me my tip
funny little guy, come kiss my lips
oh! shame on you, you fell in my trick

come take the ride
throw away your pride
you'll have no need of it now that you've died
boo ooh ooh! I'm so sad for you
ha! I'm a good actress don't you think too?

hey! I'm the maid of the death
you should be afraid of my success
tell everybody that I'm the best
if you don't, you'll be in a worse mess
whoever you are, I'll dance on your tomb
dance under the stars, sing under the moon
you don't see it but I cry on your grave actually
what a happiness for having done my mission finally
for now, I'll be searching for a new victim
I will go away like a wave
to make a new come in
as the maid of the death

I'm so sorry, I betrayed you
oh! ya, I can stop acting, you're just a memory
mister wants a revenge? that is so cute
try to find me, you'll waste your time certainly
anyway, you'll forgot me when you'll stop breathing
and I will laugh at you now that you are nothing
ha!ha!ha! I love killing
no, I'm not kidding
I'm the maid of the death
remember that
this was the end of the final act

( j'ai écrit ça alors que je venais de finir le livre Lestat le vampire de Anne Rice je le recommande en passant^^)
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